Chapter 11. Running Thucydides tests from the command line

You typically run Thucydides as part of the build process (either locally or on a CI server). In addition to the webdriver.driver option discussed about, you can also pass a number of parameters in as system properties to customize the way the tests are run. The full list is shown here:

An example of using these parameters is shown here:

$ mvn test -Dwebdriver.driver=iexplorer -Dwebdriver.base.url=

This will run the tests against the staging server using Internet Explorer.

$ mvn test -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=/Users/johnsmart/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/2owb5g1d.default

On Windows, it would be something like:

C:\Projects\myproject>mvn test -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=C:\Users\John Smart\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\mvxjy48u.default

If you want to set default values for some of these properties for your own development environment (e.g. to always activate the Firebugs plugin on your development machine), create a file called in your home directory, and set any default values here. These values will still be overridden by any values defined in the environment variables. An example is shown here:

thucydides.activate.firebugs = true
thucydides.browser.width = 1200